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Redux Devtools integration

Import @xoid/devtools and set a debugValue to your atom. It will send values to the Redux Devtools Extension.

import { devtools } from '@xoid/devtools'
import { atom, use } from 'xoid'
devtools() // run once

const $atom = atom(
{ alpha: 5 },
(a) => {
const $alpha = a.focus(s => s.alpha)
return {
inc: () => $alpha.update(s => s + 1),
resetState: () => a.set({ alpha: 5 })
deeply: {
nested: {
action: () => $alpha.set(5)

$atom.debugValue = '$atom' // enable watching it by the devtools

const { deeply, incrementAlpha } = $atom.actions // destructuring is no problem
incrementAlpha() // logs "($atom).incrementAlpha"
deeply.nested.action() // logs "($atom).deeply.nested.action"
$atom.focus(s => s.alpha).set(25) // logs "($atom) Update ([timestamp])